Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler
To my longtime writer and pal Eric Kornfeld…you rock!! Thank you for everything! John McDaniels, who played for us? Superb!!
Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler
Let me give props to Debbie Harry, who came uptown from her no-power apartment to blow us away with BLONDIE! The crowd loved her; me too!
Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler
Have to thank event planners, BUCKLEY-HALL, Linda Hall and Anita Buckley, who gave us a brilliant event against all odds…thank you, ladies
Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler
Really @WaldorfNYC absolutely fantastic to us @NYRP the last few days. We are so grateful for everything they did; thank you thank you!