Mister D: Not a very nice description of Miss Zellwegger and certainly an insult to our favorite diva…Needless to say the reviewer did not like the new movie musical, Chicago…
Zellweger’s great when she has to act, whether blowing raspberries at Velma’s transparent overtures, poking fun at the “America’s Sweetheart” tag (this stuff is close to home) or being strung along by puppet- master Flynn (the latter scene feels like anouttake from Bergman’s Fanny and Alexander). But when she sings at the end and says, “Oh, that was terrible”, you find yourself blushing in agreement. Nor does it make much sense that this character gets away with murder because of her physical charms.Thanks to the lighting, Zellweger’s about as yummy as Bette Midler. She’s always been an “ordinary” beauty, (which made her perfect for Bridget Jones); here she’s not even wholesome. Her face seems puffy, her body gym-scrawny. Her hair resembles frazzledroad- kill. Who thought up this look? Zeta- Jones?
Charlotte O’Sullivan, FIRST NIGHT: Zeta-Jones wins an unfair fight in jazz musical. , Independent, 12-09-2002, pp 5.