Updates: 03/16/03

This is real quick….tired, tired, tired….

Results of Poll: What Male Artist Should Bette Record A Duet?

1. Elton John (15)
2. Mister D (yours truly and puh-leeze and thank you:-)) (14)
3. Justin Timberlake (6)
4. Harry Connick, Jr. (5)
5. Luther Vandross (4)
6. David Bowie (3)
7. Tony Bennett (1) and Kid Rock (1)…tie
8. Josh Groban and any “famous opera singer” (zilch!…so sorry!!!!):-(

New Poll Ready: Which Female Artist Should Bette Record A Duet? If you have others that arent in the poll…write me and I’ll keep a tally!!!! I could use help on these!!!!:-)

New Article: From The Washington Times, 1998….also used a quote from it…I got vilified for saying basically the same thing once on the Bette Boards, but celebrity speaks louder than the common folk, ya dig?

New Section: Steve’s Balto Boy Scans…Look for the cute hunk of a Man caricature and click…all thumbnails…did the best I could for being color-blind:-)

Also have redine the photo section so it will be easier for all to maneuver…will be adding more images soon and probably more categories…

New Songs are up: Seasonal Confusion….have no idea what I meant, but I’m creative and that’s what came out of my pea brain…read into it what you will anyway…

Please check out bette on the Boards and the Miss M Photoshop page…you can buy some original prints with all proceeds going to the photographers’ charity for animal rescue…mainly cats I believe…so all you cat lovers get over to the board and order….some cool looking pics….

Harlette Page: I’m about ready to put the friggin’ thing up “as is” …. it’s too hard….whine whine….but I have good help…I’m just pocrastinating…where are these ladies anyway!!!????

Make sure to watch the Oscars…Mister V will be writing again…maybe I can get some of his Oscar pics this week…:-)

Love, Mister D

P.S. Have a good week and say a prayer for our boys overseas; let’s hope that some type of diplomatic solution can be worked out…and soon…

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