Mister V’s Oscar Pics…Kinda Sorta

vilanch.jpgI thought we could all use some cheering up in light of the events going on, so I asked Mister Vilanch if he’d be so kind as to drop by and give us his picks for the Oscars…but as you’ll see, it’s even hard for him to guess at this time. From a previous e-mail, I ascertained that he is very certain that “Chicago” will win Best Picture….as for the rest:

“Hello from the fortieth rewrite. At this point, I always think everybody has an equal shot because I’m flattened by all the publicity, but i’m guessing Jack, Nicole, Chris Cooper and Kathy Bates. If Chicago really sweeps, Renee and Catherine could show up as winners, too. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Walken or Meryl, either. One never knows, do one? And I guess if Chicago wins in every single category, John C Reilly will go home with a battery-operated appliance as well.”

Mucho thanks to Mister Vilanch for taking the time to write us during what can only be a called a pressure-packed week. For the upmteenth time the Oscar’s said “get Bruce”, and, of course, they got him….many thanks again…

Sincerely, Mister D

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