I Can’t Pull The Plug!

Anybody like rollercoaster rides? I sure do, but sometimes they do get tiresome. As I am sure some of you are tired of my ups and downs. Unfortunaltely I am one of those ruled by my feelings and tend to be impulsive. Yes, I am tired, but then who isn’t . You just try to do the best you can and put one foot in front of the other…

I received some very nice and somewhat forlorn e-mails, but what actually did the trick was my own lack of preparedness to pull the plug on Ms. Betty. In just one day I felt like I lost a friend. Yes, you may read that as pathetic, endearing, or looney…but it’s true. I’ve worked on this site every single day since her inception…so it’s natural that I would feel a loss, I guess….

This is the way I operate…I’m better than I used to be about the wishy washiness, but I’m afraid it’s a trait that I won’t ever fully kick….I could tell you all the reasons I had for taking the site down, but it really doesn’t matter in the long run…

I can’t promise anymore that I’ll have the news first, or polls and music changed out on time…but there will always be something Bette-related for you to enjoy….

To those of you that have hung in there…thank you. Enjoy the ride. For those of you that get nauseous real easy….better hop off while the gettings good….

Good night….

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