My First Puh-Leeze Award: Stop Whhhhiiiinnnnniiiinnnnggggg!!!!!


Mister D: I don’t know why..I just find this silly and ridiculous…at least the makers of the trailer were bi-partisan! 🙂
Controversial ‘Stepford Wives’ Ad Shows Hillary, Condoleezza

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Some people are saying the way Hillary Clinton and Condoleezza Rice are portrayed in an ad for the new “Stepford Wives” film is distasteful, even outrageous.

‘Stepford Wives’ Ad Shows Hillary, Condoleezza In Strange Light:
Click Here To See The Horrible Ad

The spot shows an image of Rice made to look nude from the waist up, and a picture of Clinton that morphs into what looks like a cookie-baking Stepford wife.

The pictures move across the screen very quickly, but they caught the eye of a Kansas City woman, who recorded the spot to make sure of what she was seeing. Offended By Portrayal?

Becky Reynolds said when she taped and watched the ad again, she “realized it was even worse” that what she’d suspected.

“It’s just inappropriate, and it needs to be stopped,” Reynolds said.

For those who haven’t seen the 1975 thriller by director Bryan Forbes, the 2004 version is pretty much the same, but with a dash of technical wizardry. Both films are based on a book by Ira Levin about a small Connecticut town where the women act too perfectly — because their husbands have replaced them with robots.

But Reynolds says the less-than-perfect images in the advertisement for the new film will keep her out of the theater. Pat Gray, who works with Northstar Marketing Group, said the ad shows bad taste toward Rice and Clinton.

“In today’s media environment, I don’t know whether it’s unacceptable morally or not — distasteful, for sure,” Gray said. “If I were them, I’d probably sue.”

Gray also said the ad wouldn’t drive him to the theater.

“That certainly wouldn’t stimulate me to go see the movie,” he said.

Nancy Kirkpatrick, a spokeswoman for Paramount Pictures, said the film studio hasn’t received any complaints about the spot. Paramount hasn’t heard from Rice or Clinton, either.

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