Australian Box Office: Thank You Alisha

Alisha was kind enough to write in and say that The Stepford Wives opened at Number 4 at the Box office in Aussie Land….taking in $2, 115, 243.00 which is considered pretty good for the first week.

We can all keep up with the Aussie Box Office at this site:

Alisha said the night she went the movie was packed and everyone seemed to have a good time. TV reviews have been great with critics citing that it is ‘camp galore’ and that Bette is, too, too divine (of course!).

Print reviews have been lukewarm, but Bette and Roger Bart have been singled out for their great comedic performances…

So, many thanks to Alisha for informing us on what’s going on “down under.”…

Love, Mister D

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