
The TV series Bette! is being shown on HDTV over the next month. That’s High Definition TV for those that…

Bette, Bruce, and Charlo: Miss M Visits Her “Hairspray” Roots!

Hairspray Gets Divine—So to Speak Daily Gossip Photo Concept: Barry Shermer/Don Bradshaw As would be expected, many stars have…

BLB Updates: 08/27/04

Photo: Ron Sachs Remember to Register to Vote!!! Music uploaded: All Bette in both sections…so enjoy! Phoenix Arizona Tickets: Very…

From NPR: Analysis: Attending a Prince concert

Tavis Smiley (NPR) 08-26-2004 Analysis: Attending a Prince concert Host: TAVIS SMILEY Time: 9:00-10:00 AM TAVIS SMILEY, host: Audio: Michael…