Well, we all knew it was coming, but I think many of us waited with bated breath to see if Terri, the webmaster of www.experiencethedivine.com, would really close it down. OR would she be like me and go all see-saw, yo-yo on your ass! But Terri is the type that when she makes up her mind…well, it’s a done deal. Anyway, I know she and her site will be extremely missed. Let’s give her a little Midler Love and say “thanks”:
“For all of the years.
For the laughs, for the tears.
For the class, that you showed.
Make it one for my baby,
And one more for the road.”
As many of you know, Terri was going to start up a new Bette Forum today where all BetteHeads could meet and chat about the Divine, but she asked that I tell everyone that this is on hold indefinitely!
Supposedly she ran into some technical glitches and she hopes to have it fixed some time in the future. However, Miss Terri has a lot of preparation to do for college…so this could be a while.
Don’t fret…she has not turned in her Bette Midler Fan ID Card…she’ll be around the neighborhood! We love you Terri and thanks for all the great work you did over the years!
Love, Mister D