Earth Day: Mama Earth Is Sad – Make Her Happy!

Mister D: This is the White House’s laughably funny take on Earth Day (written for kids). How many lies can you find? For more of their propoganda: Click Here

Visit this Earth Day site: Click Here

And from Inez Post on my other site, Veering Left:

The House passed the bill, Gasoline for American Security Act, on Friday to encourage the construction of more refineries in the United States. This bill waves the Clean Air Act and provides tax cuts for refineries and allows closed down military bases to be the breeding ground for building of the new facilities. The refineries in existence in the U.S. now are already 30 years old and have been operating under unsafe conditions to its employees as well as the neighboring communities. I would like to see those refineries meet certain standards of safety before we build more under the same conditions. If you have not thought about it, maybe you should, do you think you would feel differently if one was located next to the school your children go to, or in your backyard? You might, and maybe it is time our environmental problems start getting a little more attention.

Some of the harmful provisions that are now being allowed by the passing of this bill include: Click Here

10 Things You Can Do To Slow Climate Change:

One compact fluorescent bulb lasts as long as 13 regular bulbs and uses 75% less energy.

Carpool or take public transportation to work and keep some of that hard-earned pay in your pocket. For trips to nearby stores or friend’s houses, walk or bike.

Where does your electricity come from? Lots of utilities offer renewable options these days, like incorporating some wind and solar into the mix. Find cleaner energy options in your area by using this clickable map.

Drive Smart: If you do drive, consider a hybrid or an alternative fuel vehicle. Or buy a TerraPass to ease your driving guilt. Buying a TerraPass offsets the impact from your car by decreasing emissions from other sources by the same amount your car produces.

End the Junk Mail Trail: Save trees and the energy used in paper production by taking your name off mailing lists.

Power Down: Shutting down your computer when you’re not using it can save from $100 to $400 a year in electricity. Turning off other appliances can save even more.

Buy Local: On the average, produce grown in the U.S. travels 1500 miles to reach grocery store shelves. Save on fuel by buying from local growers, or create your own community garden.

Geek Out: You don’t have to give up your gadgets to slow climate change. Use solar power to charge your cell phone, iPod, radio — just about everything — under the sun.

Wash and Wear: The newest, most efficient washers use up to four times less energy than older models, and can save $70 a year in energy costs. Try line-drying your laundry, and find more energy-efficient appliances here.

Chip In: The easiest way to contribute can be powerful: make a donation. These organizations are already working to slow climate change. Click here to find out more and give them the help they need.

To learn other effective ways to slow down climate change: Click Here And Make A Pledge

Love, Mister D

Share A little Divinity