Congrats To The Dems And The People Who Voted For Change

Just a short thanks to all who voted (especially those who had to vote against their usual party affiliations) in bringing some checks and balances back into this government. Finally enough people came to their senses and started seeing through all the bullshit.

This isn’t to say that the Dems are perfect or all Republicans are bad…there’s good and bad on both sides as there is in any group. It’s just human nature. But when you have one party in power, you can be sure, usually, that it can become drunk with power…and this will cloud your mind. So now we have it where some accountability can be held.

But I have no pity for those who lost their jobs…many knew something was not right (the war and the corruption) but they didn’t have the backbone to stand up to the administration. And can we please find a way to get rid of these nasty ads that always run during campaigns? What a turn-off!!!! And the repubs have them mastered….who do these appeal to….idiots?

And the way conservative radio hosts and Fox are trying to spin this is both laughable, but ultimately sad. They really make me question their integrity and THEIR motivations….voting the party line above what’s best for the country (when they knew we were going in a wrong direction…just witness the repulsive Rush Limbaugh who now greets the Dems as liberators…for the followers of Rush, I just hope this is a big wake up call for you…if you based your decisions on his spew, you should feel dirty and ashamed….Click Here

Anyway, at least now, we have a chance for some HOPE! It’s going to be a tough road ahead for all, but it’s better than the dead end which is where we were heading.

Love, Mister D

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