Mister D: I just want to make it clear that I’m not discouraging you to vote. You don’t ever know how these things are going to turn out. Just don’t be disappointed if at the last minute some “Cupid” votes come flying in like the Wicked Witch of the West or those Flying Monkeys from “The Wizard of Oz!”
Over on Rebecca’s BetteMidlerOnline site a Stoopid “Coopid” (actually he’s smart, but sometimes that undoes you…but sometimes, because life is unfair, it works. But as we all know, what goes round, comes round) admitted to writing a script to vote for “Cupid” repeatedly. Anyway, the reason there was such a high jump in yesterday’s poll, with Cupid’s 25% rise at the time within an hour it seems, was because one overzealous fan supposedly wrote a script that could vote 6 times per second. That’s why the rapid rise. ( Now I don’t know if that boast is that accurate, but the votes came in at a very fast rate.) I replied to him on Rebecca’s site and it looks like he has laid off, but we’re so behind, it would take forever anyway to catch up. And then, if you keep voting, you never know if he’ll start the script up again. I don’t want to discourage anyone from voting, especially if you haven’t yet, so please do. My theory is that they will release the top 3 anyway.
I’ve talked to people who’ve voted in past polls, and have looked at past polls. It looks like all or most of the DVD’s are being released anyway…maybe not as fast as the winners, but at least they’re coming out.
I’ve also found out that Sony is used to show feuding and take that into account. They are primarily interested in the bottom line. If they think there’s been non-fair play there could be consequences, sometimes not. I’ve talked to the guy who usually writes the code for the polls and he said he was unable to this time and the poll was done internally by Sony. He has already written and said there were too many flaws in the poll, especially when you vote in the Top 3 poll because there’s no distinction as to what show was the number one choice. So each show got a vote. We figured that out early and so did some others.
Now poll feuds can be fun and addictive when you find flaws and when you are playing on a fair game field. But all bets are out the window when one person writes a script that can vote 100’s to 1000’s in a short amount of time. Then it’s not even fun anymore. Anyway, it’s almost not fun anyway because you sometimes would really like to see who the real winner is.
Anyway, I say keep voting if you want, those who haven’t, please do, but don’t feel like you have to sit at the computer getting carpel tunnel syndrome. I have written the powers that be at Sony, and explained the flaws in the poll, what the “Cupid” guy did, and what we did to keep up…that’s only fair. I think we would have won anyway due to her large fan base, but I’m prejudiced. Let the chips fall where they may.
Anyway, just don’t worry about it. It’s out of our hand. Have fun if you want. Don’t get into stupid arguments that don’t mean anything. Concentrate on the other things you need to do. I have to say we put up a great fight…we were neck to neck until the scripting.
PS: “Cupid” starred Jeremy Piven and Paula Marshall (starred with Bette in “That Old Feeling”). Anyway, I’m a big Jeremy Piven fan since I first saw him in the old Ellen show. I never saw “Cupid” but I heard it was good, but to be fair, not many people remember it. I didn’t. And I watch a lot of TV, but I am weaning off of it…LOL Especially after this whole thing. What a buzz killer!