Tit-Bettes – I Mean Tid-Bettes – So, So Sorry!

NYRP And Bette’s “My Girls”

(Notice How Bette Knows Which Camera To Look At)

Photo: J. McCarthy

Miss Becci and Miss Megan made it to Bette’s Spring picnic this year. I believe this was their first time. Anyway they had an exceptional time meeting and getting photos with Bette, John Lithgow, Marcia Gay Harden (and “no” her middle name doesn’t mean that!), and a champagne or wine infested, Rachel Ray. She may be a bud light person, I don’t know. And no I didn’t hear this from these divine girls.

Miss Becci and Miss Megan talked to Bette, twice for about 15 minutes, John (who included them in a conversation with others), Marcia, and Rachel.

Bette treated them like queens, calling them “her girls” and “her ladies” (not of the evening, for those who go into that lower direction).

Then Miss Becci, after the festivities were over, approached Bette, because she remembered I had asked her to tell Bette I said “hello.” It was a selfless, beautiful act on her part. Well, she said Bette got really excited and started yada, yada, yada-ing them about me. So I’d really like to thank Becci and ask for her hand in marriage. If I’m allowed I’ll post their MYSPACE pages because they don’t have any friends. 🙂 But they do have a few pics.

Other BetteHeads at the event were Miss Jamie showing Bette pictures of her group’s beautiffly transformed gardens in Philly, and Michelle who helped Jamie when the batteries in her camera went kapoot. See all BetteHeads help each other, except for a small per centage that don’t even hit the 1% mark. It’s sad because they have so much to offer.

NYRP raised over one million dollars from the event. So congrats to Bette and her organization and the people who made it possible…

Top Fave Songs

Mister D: First off, I don’t have the song tables up because I haven’t figured out how to do it the way I want to. Yes, I am anal (except for one thing…I digress), and I’m not ashamed to say it!

I can’t work on it tonight either because of my bipolar2 therapy session where 2 people sit on a see saw and go up and down while the group leader terrorizes us. The goal is to stay stable. I hate the ups because I’m afraid of heights and I’m afraid of the lows because I just don’t like squatting. (okay – that was BS, but weren’t your eyes just glued to this story.

Okay, since I can’t have the songs up, I will tell you a true story – I will begin to tell you these tales every time I can’t meet my deadlines that I can’t realistically make. You know I try to be as honest as I can so some of these stories will be embarassing to me. Okay here is the first story:

My doctor found out my testosterone level was very low, so he gave me some gel to rub on my upper arms (yes, I don’t understand either) So far, I haven’t been able to tell any difference except I’m beating up people for no reason. Anyhoo, I went home for Memorial Day. I told my mother I was on this hormone medicine. She asked why. I said, because I was growing a vagina! She said, “well don’t tell your dad! True story.

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