Mister D: Let the BetteHeads become the healthiest of fans by having a little spring cleaning. This findings in this research is gross, and also proves girls can be piggier than men (Ha Ha) for once, so everybody take some time out TODAY to clean your keyboard…no BetteHead should be keyboarding with old toilet fingers! 🙂 I hope you enjoyed this article as much as I did (bleck!):
- Research by the University of Arizona last year found the average office desktop harboured 400 times more bacteria than the average office toilet seat.
- They also found that, compared to men, on average women have three to four times the amount of germs in, on and around their work area.
- Dr Wilson, a consultant microbiologist at University College London Hospital, told BBC Radio 5 Live sharing a keyboard could be passing on illnesses among office workers.
- “If you look at what grows on computer keyboards, and hospitals are worse, believe it or not, it’s more or less a reflection of what’s in your nose and in your gut,” he said.
- “Should somebody have a cold in your office, or even have gastroenteritis, you’re very likely to pick it up from a keyboard.”
- Consumer group “Which” said one of the causes of dirty keyboards was users eating lunch at their desk, with crumbs encouraging the growth of bacteria.
- Poor personal hygiene, such as not washing hands after going to the toilet, could also be to blame, it said.
- Dust and food crumbs should be shaken out of keyboards and they should be wiped with a soft, lightly dampened, lint-free cloth. They should also be disinfected with alcohol wipes.
oh Don, what would we do without you.
I’m gonna put my laptop in the dishwasher now…
Good for you Miss Katrin!! I’m flossing mine!
Love, D
yall are just nutz…
Crystal….yours probably needs waxed!!!!
Oh! I know you didn’t just say that about my laptop!!
no starbursts for you!!!
Whatever….you know I’ll just steal them from you and Barry when you visit!
Thanks for posting this! My keyboard at work is DISGUSTING. Gosh, I come here for Bette news and Then She Found Me updates and I also get office tips. 😉
Jacob…stick around….sometimes you get a lot more than what you bargained for…..ain’t that right BetteHeads????? LOL
Glad you are sticking around though….you’re part of the family now!
LOL this is great. I’m so scrubbing this laptop down now! Lol
Mine’s clean as a whistle now…that whole article made me and my best friend, the keyboard, feel just plain nastified!!! LOL