Non-Bette Related, Defintiely Political: “Hey Sara Palin”

Mister D: Bette does not necessarily approve this message, but I do. This is the beauty of not being an official site. I think this is funny…not offensive. 🙂 Besides, this lady scares me!

Love, Mister D

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9 thoughts on “Non-Bette Related, Defintiely Political: “Hey Sara Palin”

  1. I’m glad you posted this..too funny. Scary but true. You are all welcome up here..Montreal or Vancouver..both good choices!

  2. I haven’t yet viewed the video, but I thought you might all enjoy this. Someone named W. Tong made a parody song of “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy” and adapted it for George Bush, which I further adapted to make it fit Sarah Palin. I’m sure Bette would approve. 😉

    “Crooked And Incompetent Caribou Barbie”

    “She was a lazy, simple hockey mom who always got her way
    Through donors money piled, she could afford to play
    She screwed Joe Six-Pack through her graft
    Then she flicked back her bangs, winked and then laughed
    She wants the White House now to run her monarchy
    She’s the crooked and incompetent Caribou Barbie

    Her antics made a fool out of our Uncle Sam
    The stock market is down from the accounting scam
    Her cronies want to loot our land
    This crap is going just the way it was planned
    She’s played us all for chumps in her plutocracy
    She’s the crooked and incompetent Caribou Barbie

    We’ll boot, we’ll boot, we’ll boot Bullwinkle’s boot
    She’s blown her chance as the czar through despotism
    She can’t make a quote, unless
    The aides to the czar are stayin’ with her
    She’s played us all for chumps in her plutocracy
    She’s the crooked and incompetent Caribou Barbie

    Her right wing crazed plans to just bamboozle the country without mercy
    And from her front porch, Russia, she claims she can see
    Oh that crooked and incompetent Caribou Barbie

    We’ll boot, we’ll boot, we’ll boot Bullwinkle’s boot
    She’s blown her chance as the czar through despotism
    She can’t make a quote unless
    The aides to the czar and stayin’ with her
    She’s played us all for chumps in her plutocracy
    She’s the crooked and incompetent Caribou Barbie

    She puts the press to sleep so they won’t even fight
    When she screws up, they all say how she is so “bright”
    They clap their hands, “She’s champ,” they bleat
    Because we know now the ways the Dumb One bought her top seat
    Palin really screwed it up with her hypocrisy
    She’s the crooked and incompetent Caribou Barbie

    She’s played us all for chumps in her plutocracy
    She’s the crooked and incompetent Caribou Barbie!”

    Cheers, Michael

  3. I wish us Aussies could vote in this election since we seem to be so far up America’s a** that it will have a huge impact on us and Palin (and McCain)scare the crap out of me 🙂

    What’s that quote America is a country where anyone can grow up to be president, and that’s the risk you have to take!

    Love BabyD

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