Mister D: My friend Anna wrote in to tell us about her visit to Salem and the Hocus Pocus Tour they have there. Hope you enjoy! And thank you Anna for writing in:
Hi Mr. D,
This is Anna (“divinehollywood”). We have corresponded before, but it’s been a while. this time I’m writing you because I went to Salem, MA yesterday and I wanted to pass the word along to BetteHeads that there is a tour called Hocus Pocus Tours. I hadn’t heard about it before, but I went on it last night and it’s awesome.
But with the economy their business is down, so I want to give them a shout out and let Bette fans know about it because the tour guide, Susan, is a huge Hocus Pocus fan and the tour visits several filming locations from Hocus Pocus (such as the Town Hall where the parents go to their masquerade ball, Jacob Bailey High School, the park, Allison’s house, etc.). It’s also a good general haunted history tour.
And for the Hocus Pocus locations you can’t see on the tour, she will give you directions to get there (like Max’s house, the graveyard, the opening shots which are just a short drive away). It’s the perfect Halloweeny thing for a BetteHead (besides Hulaween, duh ;).
More info is on their website (www.hocuspocustours.com).
Even if you’ve already heard of it, I think Bette fans would like to be reminded of it. And it’s one of the cheaper tours – $16 for adults. 60-80 minutes. I want to support everyone who supports Bette and I’m sure you feel the same! And after all, Winnifred Sanderson was Bette’s best role, as Miss M relates it 🙂