Although Ms. Midler always has her ear out for a good melody, I was informed by the home office that there is no new CD planned for this year and to check back in a few months for more information regarding one. Of course, that means a release is probably forecast for the following year. Currently, Ms. Midler has no deal, but this should be no cause for alarm. In today’s record industry climate, artists are jumping from label to label finding their best fit. This should be considered a great opportunity.
Hi! Don what about a SMGO dvd? They were recording her show the last few days. Do you know anything about that?
i was told that was for archival purposes only….
oh that sucks!! :S thank you Don!
that is the same thing they did for kiss my brass!! I think that is so silly on bette’s management team. Celine had one, elton had one, etc. Her fans would eat it up! I still play my vhs version of diva las vegas 3x a year! Bette needs to market her merchandise!!
As much as I’d like it, I think she’s smart in doing so. It might make it that much more valuable down the road. I mean…Michael Jackson has 10 more CDs coming out…
@Jill I agree with you! I would love to have the Kiss My Brass Tour or the SMGO Show on DVD. It´s very sad =(
But thx for the infos Mister D! =)