It is a sad, sad day for America when young people would rather die than endure one more day of hatred and relentless persecution. As a mother, I am ashamed of all the parents who have failed to teach even the most basic human lessons to their children, “Live and let Live” and “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” The normal, everyday kindness that we took for granted just a few years ago is a thing of the past, and I for one, mourn it deeply. Technology, the Internet, with its anonymity, have allowed people to behave like beasts, pouncing on the weak and howling with laughter when they inflict a wound, that only the strongest could survive. What are we doing to ourselves? How are we to survive as a nation, when hate seems to be the only thing that motivate us??
Four children are dead by their own hand because they just couldn’t take any more. How many more are we going to sacrifice to the hyenas? Isn’t it time to stop??
”“ Bette Midler
Mister D: Ways you can help:
Well Said and much Needed! MY friends and I where just asking what ever happen to the saying” if you cant say any thing nice don’t say any thing at all’?Seems Many of the values I grew up Like a loving attitude and a Tolerate nature have gone out the window! Time to Take Back The control and make this world a safe Loving Place for ALL UNITED WE are strong! Thank You Bette Midler for caring so Much! Sincerely, Mitchell
Thank you for speaking your mind, Bette, and having the words to help mend a broken nation.
WE have to do this…it is true!
Well said, Bette. You remind us of our humanity.