Deer Park Broadcaster
‘We are the World,’ minus a singer or two
by Matt Ray
February 13, 1991
In Ihis patriotic time, understandably everyone is wanting lo do somcihing to support the troops. Such is the case for the latest mega-star gathering to record an upl i f t ing song for the soldiers in the desert. This sounds like a nice enough idea, but looking at the list of participants, one wonders if they c o u l d n ‘t just write a letter.
I mean, please. Mike Tyson, Sally Field and Whoopi Goldberg recording a song for the troops? Maybe a dramatic reading or s lug fcst of some kind, bul a song?
Fortunately for the ears, they threw in Bette Midler, L u t h er Vandross
and other legitimate singers who can hopefully drown out Nicolette
Sheridan and Marie! Hemingway.
Organizing Ihe whole event is Linda Thompson Jenner, whose qualifications range from being divorced from Bruce Jenner to making exercise videos and dating Elvis. I say give her the Grammy.
Actually, she only wrote the words to Voices That Care and her new
fiance, composer David Foster, wrote the music. Foster happens to be
musically gifted; but even if he wasn’t, he once sang a duet with Olivia
Newton-John, so that would .have qualified him anyway