Reminder: Bette Midler! Oprah! The Interview! ~ Sunday, November 11, 2012, 9:00PM Central

First Look: The Best Decision Bette Midler Ever Made

After four decades in show business and 30 million albums sold, legendary performer Bette Midler tells Oprah she’s still settling into herself. Find out why Bette says a part of her still wants to make noise. Plus, Bette reveals the single greatest decision she ever made.

For more from Oprah’s interview with Bette, tune in Sunday, November 11, at 9/8c.

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4 thoughts on “Reminder: Bette Midler! Oprah! The Interview! ~ Sunday, November 11, 2012, 9:00PM Central

  1. I enjoyed the interview. Sure, there could have been more. It’s always great seeing Bette though. As far as the horror movies go… I think she definitely should! I was hoping they would talk about a Baby Jane remake. Bette would be awesome in that role.

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