Kokomo Tribune
June 5, 1988
Ever feel you were borm into the wrong family? In Big Business, Bette Midler has a dual role as rich twins mismatched at birth with poor twins, played by Lily Tomlin. “Sisters” Midler and Tomlin run a New York conglomerate
while, unknown to them, their real identical twins struggle in rural West Virginia–a perfect setup for a very
funny and fast-paced modern-day Comedy of Errors. In the movie, each Midler character is, coincidentally, named Sadie; their “sisters” are both named Rose. As it happens, there are a real Sadie and Rose–fraternal twins in their 70s who are the mother and aunt, respectively, of Marc Rubel and Don Pierson, a couple of savvy screenwriters with the zany imagination to put one and one together and get four.