BetteBack May 17, 2010: Another Loosely Translated Article…Gets A Little Politically Charged…Showgirl Period

“I’m as hot dog occurred”
Interview: Alexander Gorkow
May 17, 2010


Interview: Alexander Gorkow

The Well-Tempered Connaught in London Mayfair. A hotel like a sigh in rough times. Bette Midler in a distinctive, wisely conservative costume. It’s small – and huge! The eyes sparkle with vitality, and their body language is that of a lady who may be vulgar, but it actually is not. She looks so fabulous from that is herewith proved: Humor keeps you young.

Bette Midler: Are indecent doing?

SZ: No, no. Your answers to these questions would be anyway better than the questions.

Midler: I have at least already made ”‹”‹dirty jokes when you were still quite small, I guess, right?

SZ: Make your show in Las Vegas still dirty jokes?

 Midler: Oh yes! Not only. But among others.

SZ: Which direction?

Midler: Sex in old age. This really is the very big thing.Surefire laugh.

SZ: Aha. , , there is here in Germany in the coming weeks a movie, the procedure very sensitive to this issue.

Midler: Sensitive?

SZ: So. , , that sex in old age is normal.

Midler: Of course it is, many have him..

SZ: And that this normality but is displaced by a society that only the young. , ,

Midler: . , , You hear that everything is safe absolutely wonderful. But it is – as I said – for many people normal to have aged sex. This sex only sees often no longer really great, right? Hahaha! And he brings embarrassing problems. So, the company once or not – but the issue is really too good to give away laughs!

SZ: Are the people at Caesars Palace not get mad if you make yourself as funny?

Midler: No, well. , , You know, when two people love and have great sex, or sometimes for a while not great sex, why should that can be damaged by hail of my mood? Anyone who is lucky, gets old. So these jokes happen to anyone. No, the people have humor. In Germany, too laughed!

SZ: We have nothing to laugh about.

Midler: Why is not?

SZ: Humor has a bad image with us.

Midler: Really? But that is already pretty weird, right?

SZ: From a distance, perhaps.

Midler: Are there any comic broadcasts?

SZ: There appear comedian on with Schell hats and funny hairstyles.

Midler: I see. , , No good people?

SZ: There are a few. But give no more trouble. The jokes are crap.

Midler: The jokes have to be good. If you have good writers, you can do anything – even the last Schweinekram!

SZ: the humor in Hollywood or in Las Vegas has changed?

Midler: He has become merciless. The whole world has become merciless.

SZ: Your Art has always been that you make people laugh as well as cry. Such entertainers there are not many, right?

Midler: You’re right. It is classified, it is responsible for these jokes which. Back there for others It has also become evil, more machismo. , , But it’s okay, I mean, Larry David is offensive, but it is also good, right?

SZ: The in Germany knows hardly anyone.

Midler: That’s not true!

SZ: The television audiences have educated themselves in hard work, that simply does not understand this humor.

Midler: How funny! That’s really funny! Presumably it is tragicomic.

SZ: 1978 They have performed in Germany and have the rich people from the front row offended. I have a review here, from the time . , ,

Midler: . , , show it! Wöana Börkert is started. Is it a good review?

SZ: Werner Burkhardt was a wonderful critic.

Midler: he liked the show?

SZ: He loved the show.

Midler: How beautiful! And I have offended the people in the theater? , , , What he wrote there?

SZ: You said: “Here sits the front prominence with the free tickets, and each of them makes a face as if to say. My shit does not stink”

Midler: My God! That’s what I said?

SZ: Is here.

Midler: Horrible! Suddenly you get the back plunked! After 30 years!

SZ: Bring those things on your show today in Las Vegas as well?

Midler: Not quite so! No. I was then only 32 years old. Jesus Christ!

SZ: Are you now less vulgar – or the system Las Vegas is less vulgar?

Midler: Hmm, good question. , , difficult.

SZ: And?

Midler: I think: Hurra, Las Vegas has made ”‹”‹in adapting my total vulgar level! As you may know, the manager tried in Vegas over the years to go toward family entertainment. Partly a little grotesque. , ,

SZ: What were the reasons?

Midler: As it comes to money in this city, there were financial reasons. It was thought that if one makes a Sin City Fun City for the family, it brings money.Children are so small terrorists as long wallow on the Strip, to the dad buys tickets from exhaustion. For a musical with talking animals.

SZ: The clean Las Vegas also fitted to a conservative America.

Midler: It fit well in the mood, yes. My Las Vegas it was not. You know, I love the myth of the city, I love the sin, love the West, I love men who drink and then fall off the horse. , , I love this city. It is the city where I got married, and not random and drugged, but: aware. In Vegas, people are used to after the shows in the bars, and when it was light, she rode into the desert, to have breakfast there and then sleep off their intoxication. , ,

SZ: . , , outstanding life design. , ,

Midler: . , , I mean it too! And that’s what I love about Las Vegas: The people are certainly sometimes not very close. But often but pretty cool.

SZ: Did you often sleep in a frenzy?

Midler: What is a lot? , , , Did you have it often?

SZ: Yes. And You? Alcohol? Drugs?

Midler: I took drugs, of course, this and that, hahaha! But not for long.

SZ: If just you also are high – a stunning show!

Midler: You can depend on it! I liiiebe to be high! The problem is the crash afterwards. I am not simply a bit down, you know? But: at the bottom of the barrel! You no longer get me out of there for days. I firmly adhesive. No, not drugs! Make me exhausted. I’m the wrong person.

SZ: Is Las Vegas nor the city of sin?

Midler: The managers have at least realized that they need to break away from the pure family entertainment, but such a dirty city in principle is not made ”‹”‹in the desert.

SZ: Is she still dirty?

Midler: By their nature, already. In the Off shows. In the clubs. Not in the big shows of course. Unfortunately, unfortunately. When I inherited in February at Caesars Palace Celine Dion, I wanted topless dancers. What speaks against please beautiful breasts – but nothing, right?

SZ: And? No Chance?

Midler: Impossible!

SZ: And now?

Midler: Now have the maid costumes that look as if the girl no costumes – you understand?

SZ:  Absurd.

Midler: Of course. But that’s not unusual for the Americas, in which we live.

SZ: Are you alluding to the government?

Midler: Of course.

Read on page 2, which holds Midler of “Hockey Mum”.

SZ: I had hoped that time to meet a US superstar who supports McCain.

Midler: What? Do you like what he says?

SZ: It would have been just original: such a great entertainer as she says yes to McCain. Higher news value!

Midler: I have to disappoint you. It is probably not original, but I am an ardent supporter of Barack Obama. He is an educated and intelligent man, who has the ability, us Americans to encourage rather than instill fear us. For years now this brainwashing on all channels, it is incredible in what have plunged this country for a paranoia Bush and his administration. The people have been put into a state of total fear, with the mobilization of lies and at a high price!

SZ: The topic moves indeed correct.

Midler: Of course. I Love America! I love this country more than anything, you understand? And I can see only very poorly with therefore what we give for a picture in front of the world.

SZ: What is this image?

Midler: I think this picture shows, for example, a very fat woman who in a first class restaurant that rips clothes from his body in order to dance naked on the table! Or? , , , Something in the way?

SZ: Wow. , ,

Midler: It is possible that this woman grabs now even the poor maitre d ‘to rape him badly!

SZ: Your home is embarrassing for you.

Midler: Not home, as I know and love. But the government – I mean, we give in the eyes of the world from a really awkward idea.

SZ: Recovers Obama?

Midler: I hope so. And I fear that he does not. What I’m saying: What we are seeing these days? Look at the people here in London! Millions of people losing their savings, their homes, because criminals and impostors make incredible banking. Taxpayers should pay for it. And the point is, will America give in these insane times courage and confidence? Are we going to integrate the world again? Or will we barricade ourselves, incite hatred and fear? Especially is really about a question of faith: We or the other?

SZ: We need to stop talking about it.

Midler: Why?

SZ: It may not get around to in your home that a US-showgirl and a goddamn Europeans for Obama are. Otherwise, he loses the election.

Midler: You’re right, we listen to!

SZ: Are you a feminist?

Midler: What makes you think that?

SZ: For the first time will probably move in a strong woman as a vice-president to the White House and. , ,

Midler: . , , hahaha, now you want to dispute!

SZ: . , , No, I know that there are feminists in the US who say: We share Sarah Palin’s political attitudes do not, but it is a milestone, because no doubt she is a woman and. , ,

Midler: . , , Listen: I would have been very discriminated. , ,

SZ: . , , as a woman. , ,

Midler: . , , as a woman, as a chicken, as a girl, I know – I’m even occurred as a hot dog, my dear! So, here I want to say: I would have to have been discriminated against very bad to be delighted that these (Pause) Madam Vice-President is!What would be a logic that I’m talking about the first woman in the presidency, but the preaching values ”‹”‹from the early Stone Age?

SZ: But she’s a Hockey Mum!

Midler: What’s a fucking hockey mum?

SZ: I ask you! You are an American and now have to explain to me what is a Hockey Mum! It’s weird, like Mrs. Palin has scored this term. The spin-people apparently. , ,

Midler: . , , done an excellent job, of course! If things go bad, we will see the following: people who do not have just the idyll of a Super Mama designed from Alaska, the cheering her boys in ice hockey, they will finish Obama! It’s all and only about the spin, my friend!

SZ: And what is now a hockey mom?

Midler: I am not. My daughter has never played hockey. A friend but now tells me what a hockey mum. So. , , Do you have children?

SZ: Yes.

Midler: Okay, what’s the thing with children? You spend 23 hours and 59minutes a day, either in thought or just the physical effort for the child, right? It remains under some circumstances one minute per day, you have for yourself. If you need time or so the loo. And the remaining 23 hours and 59 minutes: children. Everything else is a lie. There is no single reason to complain, unless you never wanted children and got it by mistake, am I right? With a Hockey Mum now it is apparently also exhausting – there Hockey Mums namely, not only the children, but also this absolutely incredible hockey equipment drive through the vastness of Alaska. So you are also a kind. , .Spedition!

SZ: In Germany is the Soccer Dad.

Midler: Look, so you can safely compare it. And now is only the question: What does it say about the politics of Miss Palin that their core message is: I am a Hockey Mum !?

SZ: You sacrifice for the family.

Midler: Voilà. , , the only message. Finsteres America. I feel quite queasy.

SZ: It is a female Jesus. On the cross. In addition to the hockey rink, on the slide around the children. , , Or?

Midler: Scary! I love my daughter as no other people, but I would love to use this kind of message? And I know now is whether Sarah Palin – Hockey Mum the – the banking crisis or the supply of our troops in Iraq estimates correct? I mean, every mother loves but her children! But it’s nothing religious or mystical mind to raise a child! Rather, it is often the case in vain, right?

SZ: In what way?

Midler: Well, I’ve learned as a mom, especially this lesson: Let your child alone because it makes anyway, what it wants!

SZ: Like what?

Midler: Here: For years, I run after my daughter Sophie forth and say, “Darling, why do not you learn how to play the jazz piano?” For years, she then looks at me each as if I were an alien who has fallen from the sky. , , I had finished with the subject, okay?

SZ: How old is she now?

Midler: Sophie is 21 . The other day she comes, looks so dreamy in the area and says: “.? I think I should maybe learn how to play the jazz piano, Mum What do you think of the idea”

SZ: You might be insane.

Midler: So, that you love your children and for you? There is nothing religious but please! My dear!

SZ: You yourself have grown up in Hawaii with two sisters, in quite a poor background, right?

Midler: Well, how would you call it when the cockroaches dancing at night both on the ground as well as on the walls Can Can? Hahahaha!

SZ: Arm.

Midler: Very poor.

SZ: Because you wanted to get out.

Read on page 3 what Celine Dion Midler left in Las Vegas.

Midler: And the question was not: Should I be a feminist? That was what rich girls at the university. The question was: How the hell can I get money?

SZ: cockroaches. , ,

Midler: At night you heard them. , , Krrrp krrrp, krrrp!

SZ: Did you go hunting?

(She gets up, takes off her shoes, Rest with unusually tender feet through the suite, with skin the soles of shoes against the wall.) Zack! And here! Zack! And here! Zack! Die, fucking cockroach! I’ll let you all behind me!)

SZ: Great feet.

Midler: What?

SZ: You have great feet.

Midler: (She calls out into the hallway.) Did you hear that, your rough souls? I have great feet! You angel! Where were we. , ,

SZ: . , , you can say you have lived the American dream, right?

Midler: I am proof that you can grow between cockroaches, and that you still sitting later for dinner with the president at the White House. The great thing about America is that we are a very permeable country that the social classes are more permeable than in Europe, right?

SZ: You are then quite political, right?

Midler: Well, since I 45 or 50 am. Since then I am perhaps even a kind of feminist. Because I dawned only in this age, that there are men, women against cold demonstrate their power.

SZ: I’m sure you do not talk about your husband. They are for almost 25 married to the German artist and photographer Martin of Haselsberg years.

Midler: No, I am not talking about Martin. I love him more every day. He is a gorgeous artist and an absolutely wonderful man. His people skills topped by the way mine very far!

SZ: Even a long-standing marriage is a kind of political power, right?

Midler: Absolutely. , , But who wants to be alone?

SZ: Since flying sometimes the cups, what?

Midler: I’ll tell you what: Martin and I have one day decided that we too love to argue.

SZ: When was that?

Midler: In the twelfth year of our marriage? Yes, so around after twelve years we have really made ”‹”‹our peace with each other.

SZ: What form does it mean?

Midler: This manifests itself, for example, by the fact that he silently shook his head when he thinks that I am talking nonsense. I see this then sometimes. , ,Through a window! Or in the mirror!

SZ: Great! Did he cause to assume that you are talking nonsense?

Midler: I think there are always times to events. Yes. , , Say what’s up with your technical questions?

SZ: Ah. , ,

Midler: You said you had technical issues.

SZ: Here: as easy on you as a sensitive voice, if you must meet a multi-year contract in the desert?

Midler: In fact, a technical question! So as you know played for five years, my predecessor Celine Dion at Caesars Palace. And she was so fond of me to leave their humidity.

SZ: How did I imagine that?

Midler: a highly complex system of water vapor! In the dressing room there are, I believe, 90 percent humidity, on the stage 80 percent humidity – or vice versa, I do not know. Celine has not ruined her voice in Vegas, so will also mean not ruin. If you’re in Vegas, you come along and say, hello, okay? Then I will show you the most fascinating humidification system in the world!

SZ: Okay, then the second technical question: The gay club in New York, where started her career. , ,

Midler: . , , The Continental Baths!

SZ: Yes. What did it mean the name?

Midler: Oh, I have no idea.

SZ: Had something to do with continental breakfast or something?

Midler: Hm, no. , , I think it was just such a name. It was a huge club, and there was everything, a diner, a hairdresser, a gym for the great muscles, a stage of course, where I slammed my songs – a steam bath and such, right? A sauna also.

SZ: If you do not become too colorful?

Midler: No, no. , , it was quite mannerly.

SZ: Okay.

Midler: Do you know what I find funny?

SZ: No.

Midler: your technical questions both had to do with high humidity!

Bette Midler, 62 , grew up in Hawaii and has applied since the early 70’s as one of the best entertainers in the United States. “Good, better, best: Bette” wrote the New York Times about the actress, singer and dancer. Their cinema career beganin 1979 with the sad movie “The Rose”, in which she modeled on the life Janis Joplin, a failing singer embodies. Furore she made ”‹”‹eg as kidnapped Mrs.Stone in the comedy “Ruthless People”. Currently Bette Midler can be seen in the acclaimed show “The Showgirl Must Go On” in Las Vegas, a spectacular revue in which all myths of entertainment be pulled through the mud. As a singer she also shines on the CD “The Best Bette”, a compilation of their greatest songs, which is now published by Warner. Bette Midler lives with her ”‹”‹family in New York, Los Angeles and Las Vegas.

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