Just got it confirmed that Bette Midler is still in talks to take the Divine Intervention Tour 2015 on a second leg. So there is hope after all for those who didn’t get to see her the first time around. And also the chance to see her again! xx
![Bette Midler: Bootleg Betty's photo.](https://fbcdn-photos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xlp1/v/t1.0-0/p480x480/11224368_915635495193517_7332936136943190159_n.jpg?oh=5bc2db79fd88eded797257c8a8312c23&oe=56F0F053&__gda__=1454615661_4b7b495bd74584f75140e32a3fd64dbc)
Just got it confirmed that Bette Midler is still in talks to take the Divine Intervention Tour 2015 on a second leg. So there is hope after all for those who didn’t get to see her the first time around. And also the chance to see her again! xx