Bette Midler On Being A Pop Star: “The stature of the pop star used to fascinate me. I just couldn’t figure out how these people got themselves into that position. I used to listen to the radio a lot, but always AM. Before rock and roll it was mostly white music. I didn’t get into rhythm and blues until later on in rock and roll, like the early 60’s. I loved the groups and I loved straight ahead rock and roll . The Coasters and the Del Vikings and the Skyliners. I wasn’t a collector. I was an observer. I’ve always been an observer. ˜That’s really my thing. I watch things, then I twist it around to get another view, then give It back to them and make them see it in another way that they never saw before cos they were so busy taking it seriously. I can’t’ take any of it seriously. You work as hard as you can, but no matter how brilliant you think it is, there is always going to be someone that’s going to look at it cockeyed and turn it around for you. That’s what I get from the theatre of the ridiculous the sardonic side of it. What good is it if you can’t giggle at it, cos in the long run that’s all it is.” (Zoo World, October 25, 1973)