For those of you who have seen Hello Dolly!, what are your favorite parts of the show? What’s your favorite song?

For those of you who have seen Hello Dolly!, what are your favorite parts of the show? What’s your favorite song?

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2 thoughts on “For those of you who have seen Hello Dolly!, what are your favorite parts of the show? What’s your favorite song?

  1. The show stopper for me is the obvious, I guess; Bette descending the stair case for the title song. That whole number is fabulous. Sunday Clothes is a beautiful number all around. The scene where Dolly is eating is absolutely hilarious and true Bette. Too many great numbers and scenes to pick just one. I was fortunate enough to see the show a second time from the front row so the handshake from Bette at the end was a thrill!

  2. I agree with ALL Dana said, though no handshake from Bette, but the entire show, the colors, the cast, the look of it is truly spectacular. Bette owns the show.
    I got the most laughs from her turkey eating scene, a master class of slapstick that keeps building in laughs. My favorite song, other than the obvious title song and that entrance Bette makes, was her very Bette version of “So Long Dearie” where you can see how much fun she’s having onstage. If you haven’t seen the show and can afford it, I think it’s one for the ages.

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