Talking Bout Ruby Wax Ya’ll
Take Joan Rivers and cross her with Mercedes Ruehl, add a pinch of Rosie O’Donnell and a dash of Bette Midler and you’ve got Ruby Wax, a nice Jewish girl from Chicago who hit it big with her own talkshow in London and is now looking to conquer America. Good luck, Ruby. It ain’t gonna be easy. Yet judging from the first outing of the short-run (six episodes) Fox summer series “The Ruby Wax Show,” this over-the-top, fortysomething yenta who delights in flaunting her saggy boobs and flabby tush is just the kind of nut case who might win some attention while much of America is out bodysurfing and barbecuing.
Ruby Wax And The Heart Of Seduction
Her interviews with the likes of Fergie (Sarah Ferguson), Imelda Marcos and Bette Midler were outstanding – intimate, cheeky and wonderfully voyeuristic, they reinvented the format. She says that she had to work for everything that she achieved in those programs.
“When you sit down with Bette Midler, she says you have 10 minutes. If I can get her to do the whole day, it’s not because I hold a gun to her head.” So how does she do it? “I just keep talking and making her laugh and wooing her. It’s a seduction.”
She says that her interviews rarely worked with men “because they either want to have sex with a woman or treat her like an idiot, and then they see me and they can’t figure out what to do with me, so they say, ‘Get rid of her’.”