(Art Work: Barbara Anthony)
Bettehead Wendy Poo is trying her best not to show up on the show “Hoarders” so she’s trying to get rid of some Bette magazines and clippings due to the amount of space she has in her apartment. Please help the poor girl out…she’s one of the good ones!!!!
Love, Mister D
PS: Maybe she could send us a direct link???? Here it is: Click Here
Bought it! Thank you for the posting!
Wow … that was fast!!!
BTW…. I bought a t-shirt on e-bay that says: got bette midler?…. It was a big hit work on casual day! So many folks from a huge range of ages had so many nice comments about Bette! It was pretty cool to know how so many people had some type of personal experiences that related to Bette. There was a group of interns under the age of 20 that knew who she was from Hocus Pocus!
WOA SON!!! Eric, You are my Knight in Black Leather!! =] That was fast.
Don, Thanks for your help!!
Glad I could be of service…