For Brian:-)

December 21, 2002 — Remember the songs “He’s a Rebel” and “Da Doo Ron Ron?” (If your idea of “oldies” music includes Flock of Seagulls, you might remember Love as Danny Glover’s wife in the “Lethal Weapon” movies.)
Her voice was part of the texture of the Phil Spector ’60s, and she’s still going strong with a new CD slated for 2003, a show with Lou Rawls called “Me & Mrs. Jones,” and “Darlene Love’s Christmas in New York” concerts today and tomorrow night in Gotham.

“I’ve traveled the world over, and can positively tell you that There’s no Christmas like the ones spent in New York City,” she says.

She counts Bette Midler, Cher and David Letterman as huge fans – and her performances on “Late Night” this time each year once prompted Letterman to gush: “It isn’t Christmas until Darlene sings!”

Tickets $45 and $55. Symphony Space, 2537 Broadway, at 95th St.; (212) 864-5400.

New York Post, 12-21-02

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