Mister D: If you’re not on Twitter, join just for Bette’s tweets; if you are on Twitter don’t forget to Follow
Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler
Obama says big storm comes to southern states. Should have said “A mighty wind”: Chris Christie. How will they do w/o the hated gov’t?
Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler
The reasons to love her never end. : ) I hope all is well Don.
All’s well Bill…hope it is with you, too! xx
I do not like sleaze from the “faithful” of either party. Bette Midler disappoints me.
Sorry, no sleaze there Cliffie! The first tweet was from the mind of a comic; the other two from a mind that is constantly learning….she just stated some facts with some comic observations. The Republican Party continues to set themselves up to be put down.