Gastonia Gazette
Rolling Stone Gossip
February 18, 1975
Paul Simon went to the studios in New York to help Bette Midler record a single, but the project floundered, So Bette is back at work on her overdue album with soul veteran Tony Sylvester at the console.
Mister D: Of course, Tony Sylvester also floundered, but here’s a little bio on him: He was a founding member of the 1970s music group The Main Ingredient. Their biggest hit was the 1972 song “Everybody Plays The Fool“. The trio, which also included Donald McPherson and Luther Simmons, Jr. was formed in New York and originally called The Poets. In 1971, McPherson died and was replaced by Cuba Gooding, Sr. the father of actor Cuba Gooding, Jr. They performed and recorded intermittently through the early 2000s. Their other notable songs include “Just Don’t Want To Be Lonely” and “Happiness Is Just Around The Bend”