Bette has an official My Space page which all BetteHeads should join whether you like me or not (the grudge holders). I say it’s about time….now how long will it take to get an official Facebook Page! 🙂
Anywho, here is the link:
Love, Mister D
Wohoo!!!! Finally!!!! Now, I just have to remember my password…LOL!
this is the best news i’ve heard in a loooooong time!! 🙂
I think you’re right Spencer about the My Space page, but she wont’t be participating in it I can guarantee that. The video blogging seems to have a better chance, but you never really know….
I was watching E! News tonight (don’t judge me because I’m an E! whore) and Bette’s face popped on the screen for like 6 seconds and then they said her name. I got chills. It was about the Michael Kors show I think.
*Sigh* Good times.
Christina I’m already looking at you funny!!! 🙂
Mister D…just got ur email Lol! Thanks for the vid;)
What would be of the Bette comunity if it wasn`t for Mister D??? If the vid doesn`t work, Mister D had it to share! Tks dear, if it wasn`t for you…
I hope Bette will be an active contributor on her MySpace, as I would love to let her know how much I love her music and movies, her humanitarian endeavours and her warmth, wit, and compassion. She inspires me and I hope someday to see her live, and it would be so thrilling to have Bette at least read a message of mine, even if she understandably doesn’t have time to respond. Of course if she did respond, I would be on Cloud Nine and all the other clouds as well.
Cheers, Michael
I want Bette’s CD bush…
Did she say “international adoptions”????
What a laugh riot!