Mister D: I just love this guy Buck from the “What The Buck” show. It’s celebrity tabloid parody on speed! I hope ya’ll get him (talking about his humor, ya’ll) and I can’t wait to see which one of you gets pissed off at him…it can be easy sometimes I suppose if you can’t take a joke. I mean, really, after some of those ugly comments from the Madonna fans you see from Bette’s You Tube parody – well it just shows how silly getting too wrapped up “emotionally” in a celebrity can be. We’ve all had our moments though, I guess…. 🙂
Anyway, if you like to laugh, this guy’s a hoot:
Comments? What comments? LOL! I haven`t seen them, but if she made noise making fun of someone, THAT`S my girl! Specially if she is making fun of Madonna. LOL!
Yes Bette has gotten a few bad comments, but it’s because they don’t have a sense of humor about their own idol.
It’s like some of us can take it if Bette is being parodied but others just get bent out of shape. That I find unhealthy….and I’m sure I’ve been that way sometimes in the past, but I outgrew it.
Now if someone is being downright mean about Bette, then that’s a different story (i.e. Rush Limbaugh, comedian) 🙂
btw, just wanted to let you know that I`m looooving your recent comments. LOL! Love you.