God, it’s so hard to even see the above in print, I am cringing just looking at it. However, Nalleli from Mexico, made it for me, just to be kind and thoughtful. She will probably never write me again, because I’m going to share with you what she wrote, and I think you’ll see why it means so much to me:
I hope are you ok! This time I want send something for you! I hope you like!
It is a way of saying “THANKS” “THANK YOU VERY MUCH” Thanks for sharing with all BetteHeads! for being so kind, for answering my questions, sharing photos, videos, music, news and more (of course of Bette)! I send many kisses, hugs! All from Mexico!
God bless you today and forever
There’s something to be said for gratitude which I have a hard time accepting and “Kissing Up.” You can spot the difference a mile away. So I just wanted to thank Nalleli for her simple courtesy of a “thank you.” Something that is very rare today as we lead our stressed out lives. I’d also like to thank the others who drop me a line every once in awhile just to keep me going, I suppose. But it really does help. Many of you might be cynics and say this is a bunch of bullshit, but I’ll tell you, this place would have been long gone years ago if I didn’t have people prodding me along like an old mule saying “you can do it, you can do it!” And some of you might say, it’s just a page, which many times is the way I think, but little did I know how much this little page brightens so many people’s days. I’m not really talking about the page, but the subject matter. Don’t tell me I’m hallucinating, I get the letters.
Anyway, bottom line, I guess these “thank you” notes hit harder than I thought. So you’re welcome and thank you right back because I get something out of it too. You let me know if I’m doing an okay job or not and if not I try to correct it if I can. And sometimes you give me the will to go on….to pursue my own life, my music, my writing, and my other loves. You’ve never gotten in the way of that. So thank you and enough of this god dang love fest. I’m about to barf reading back over this, but the sentiments ring true! Thanks again Nalleli
Love you all,
Mister D
I have a bit of shame!
I could not stop writing! I am Nalleli and it´s true wanted to thank you for your work. Thank you for your attention. Many times only often look at things superficially (often unintentionally) and forget dicir “THANK YOU”. Yesterday I thought you you might prohibit the use of photos and music from your website! But you do not, you are not selfish! This makes me appreciate his work in bootlegbetty.com (This and more).
I love “bootlegbetty.com” is my addiction! lol.
So no matter if you share my little letter
because undoubtedly many many “BetteHeads” think like me!
I will continue to visit “bootlegbetty.com” and sending greetings to your facebook!
Nalleli my really name, “Nay” my nickname and too “Naabna” in my youtube. (All I am) lol.
love from México.
well, i thought you were Nay but wasn’t sure. Anyway, I really do appreciate the time you took….and just even the small thank you’s are enough to get one thru the day…..
Love, Don
Mr. D- Without this page my life would be a little less bright! I adore this site more than you can imagine! When I am feeling down or have a bad day, I come to this site and it cheers me right up. It’s the first site I look at in the morning and the last one before I go to bed! I just want to take this oppurtunity and THANK YOU!! You are a treasure to all BETTE MIDLER fans! Your work is not in vain! It is devoured and appreciated daily! Please never forget that you make peeople smile everyday by providing us with our one and only BETTE!!!
Ya’ll don’t have to start doing this…alot of you tell me….just trying to say the littlest things do make a difference, so thank you Miss Jill. XX
What she said.
Thank you Divine Grace….you always tell me though….