I just heard from the lovely Ms. Kathy Wolf who told me she was the one who won a meet and greet with Bette through a Ticketmaster auction she heard about on Bootleg Betty. (see, I’m good for something!) She’s been a fan for over 30 years and like any good mother, she decided to take her beautiful daughter, Amanda, with her to help celebrate the night.

They had front row orchestra, orchestra 4, a signed program, and then at the end of the evening that wait…some of us know how it feels. Your heart pounding, hands sweating, swearing (okay, that’s Kathy Griffin, but you get the idea.) Anyway, Ms. Wolf, said after the pictures were taken, she told Bette she made something for her and as we know, Bette loves a good present. Bette ended up liking it very much and said it was very inventive. (I’ll leave it up to Ms. Wolf to tell you what it was since that part is personal.) Bette said she’d keep it always.

I’d like to thank Ms. Wolf for sharing her photos and story with us. It’s always interesting to hear what goes on behind the scenes. Most of the time, it’s just like seeing an old friend or an aunt and I like that. It sounds like Kathy and Amanda had a memorable time. I know I would never forget it.

Thank you ladies…..
Love, Mister D
Thats my dream to have a meet and greet with Bette. She looks fabulous doesn’t she…
Yes she does….you would love her….
It looks like Ms. Wolf & Ms. Midler planned their outfits beforehand! Cute! Cute!
Seeing these photos I feelin die! I Just today start breathing and my heart starts beating. That Bette is beautiful!
But these lucky ladies! How to take this beautiful photos?
Lucky woman!! i want to meet Bette too! it´s my dream!!..(that´s not new haha)