Ouch! Bette Midler aims very snide fat joke at key Trump aide

Starts At 69 Ouch! Bette Midler aims very snide fat joke at key Trump aide 28 Jun, 2017 Bette Midler…

BetteBack December 5, 1996: We Are Giddy hostage to Her Divineness

Santa Ana Orange County Register December 5, 1996 Those expecting a sedate evening of inspirational Top 40 ballads must have…

BetteBack July 28, 1995: Bette Midler – What is easy now used to be torture

Bluefield Daily Telegraph July 28, 1995 Suddenly softening her voice, sounding almost like a little girl afraid to tell the…

I’m incapable of doing anything other than entertaining. I can barely add and I’ve never been able to do my own taxes. It’s a good thing I’ve been blessed with this fantastic will to go forward, even when I hit the skids.

“I’m incapable of doing anything other than entertaining. I can barely add and I’ve never been able to do my…


“You know, I wanted to leave you with the memory of the good beneath the gaudy, the saint beneath the…

I love to work. I love the idea of putting a show together, and I love the idea of putting musical numbers together …

“I love to work. I love the idea of putting a show together, and I love the idea of putting…

[Our father] didn’t like us wearing make up and we had a curfew some ridiculous hour like ten o’clock, and if you weren’t in the house you usually got locked out…

“[Our father] didn’t like us wearing make up and we had a curfew some ridiculous hour like ten o’clock, and…

I like art and I like work…

“I like art and I like work. And the whole thrust of my life has been toward those two things,…

Trump’s wildest one-liners of all time

News.Com.Au Trump’s wildest one-liners of all time By Charlotte Willis April 8, 2016 HE’S the Republican presidential frontrunner, a real…

Bette Midler’s Reaction To The Panama Paper’s Scandal

GOODNESS. Now that’s a lot of celebrities who have been squirrelling away their money abroad. We pass on the reaction…

I didn’t belong as a kid, and that always bothered me…

“I didn’t belong as a kid, and that always bothered me. If only I’d known that one day my differentness…

I am never very far away from my spirit. it’s just a quarter of an inch below the surface of my skin…

“I am never very far away from my spirit., it’s just a quarter of an inch below the surface of…

I adore deceit and I don’t mind being misquoted…

“I adore deceit and I don’t mind being misquoted. I will not, however, allow myself to be made to sound…

As for being categorized, I don’t think anyone could categorize me at all …

As for being categorized, I don’t think anyone could categorize me at all ”“ because I’m beginning to get all…

BetteBack May 14, 1993: Insiders Predict ‘Hocus Pocus’ Will Be A Stinker

Elyria Chronicle Telegram May 14, 1993 Somebody has to finish last, and these are the candidates voted most likely not…

BetteBack December 31, 1989: Psychics were all wrong about 1989

Hutchinson News December 31, 1989 “The Iron Curtain has collapsed, the United States has invaded Panama and San Francisco is…