Timing is Everything Says Hello, Dolly! Sound Designer Scott Lehrer

ET Now Timing is Everything Says Hello, Dolly! Sound Designer Scott Lehrer 20th October 2017 Timing is Everything Says Hello,…

On Romance Movies: “Anyway, I don’t like to do romance. I’m interested in things that are bigger than romance.

On Romance Movies: “Anyway, I don’t like to do romance. I’m interested in things that are bigger than romance. I…

“I opened the door for trashy singers with bad taste and big tits!” (KMB 2004)

“I opened the door for trashy singers with bad taste and big tits!” (KMB 2004)

BetteBack December 6, 1998: Bette Midler on President Clinton

Lowell Sun December 6, 1998 Bette Midler told Larry King: “I feel that President Clinton and his wife have been…

BetteBack November 15, 1999: Pittsburgh Divine Miss Millennium Review

New Castle News November 15, 1999 Bette Midler, Divine Miss Millennium, Pittsburgh

BetteBack October 20, 1973: Isn’t Playing Homosexual Healthclubs Scraping The Bottom Of The Barrel?

Tucson Daily Citizen October 20, 1973 Q: What’s this about prestigious opera star Eleanor Steber appearing at a New York…

Bette Midler mocks ‘fragile’ Trump over Vanity Fair attack

The Hill Bette Midler mocks ‘fragile’ Trump over Vanity Fair attack BY MARK HENSCH 12/15/16 10:51 PM EST Singer Bette…

BetteBack February 1, 1974: Streaking Hits Bette Midler Type Phenomena

Delaware County February 1, 1974 Watergate WON’T go away. The Energy Crisis is making Cadillacs as obsolete as scooters. It…

Bette Midler On Being Stereotyped As Outrageous:

Bette Midler On Being Stereotyped As Outrageous: “Yes, it can become a kind of straitjacket. I think that’s what’s happened…

Bette Midler makes Twitter post about pumpkin featured at Jack-O-Lantern

WDRB Bette Midler makes Twitter post about pumpkin featured at Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular Posted: Oct 31, 2016 2:35 PM CDT Updated:…

Love Disney’s spooky seasonal classic Hocus Pocus? Then you need this book

Den Of Geek Hocus Pocus In Focus review By Sarah Dobbs Oct 27, 2016 What are your Halloween traditions? Do…

Bette Midler Says She’s Attending NY Halloween Event as Winifred Sanderson

Laughing Place Bette Midler Says She’s Attending NY Halloween Event as Winifred Sanderson By Kyle Burbank Oct 13, 2016 Oh…

When Will ‘Hocus Pocus’ Be On TV 2016? Every Time The Halloween Movie Will Air On Freeform’s ‘13 Nights’

IBTimes When Will ”˜Hocus Pocus’ Be On TV 2016? Every Time The Halloween Movie Will Air On Freeform’s ”˜13 Nights’…

BetteBack November 3, 1996: The First Wives Club Reunion That Wasn’t

Lethbridge Herald November 3, 1996 It’s “The First Wives Club” reunion that wasn’t Bette Midler Goldie Hawn and Diane Keaton all…

Bette Midler On Her First Wive’s Club Co-Stars: “We had a good time, I can tell you! Diane, Goldie and I turned 50 within the same month.

Bette Midler On Her First Wive’s Club Co-Stars: “We had a good time, I can tell you! Diane, Goldie and…

Carole Bayer Sager Lands Deal With Simon & Schuster

Galley Cat Carole Bayer Sager Lands Deal With Simon & Schuster By Maryann Yin on Mar. 24, 2016 – 9:45…

Bette Midler On Her Camp Image

Bette Midler On Her Camp Image: “But now I see that camp has a certain value to it. There are…

Bette Midler On Songs For The New Depression:

Bette Midler On Songs For The New Depression: “When I got to the third album, I was in a pretty…

Bette Midler On ‘Big Noise From Winnetka:

Bette Midler On ”˜Big Noise From Winnetka: “I used to do songs of that period a lot. They kept shoving…

Bette Midler On Her Self:

Bette Midler On Her Self: “I like being childlike. I don’t like being childish. One eventually has to take responsibility…

Bette Midler On Her Songwriting:

Bette Midler On Her Songwriting: “My songs always come out off the wall. They’re rarely straight ahead love songs. They’re…

LOL At BuzzFeed: Celebrity Names According To Justin Bieber – He’s too young to know Britt Meddler.

Celebrity Names According To Justin Bieber He’s too young to know Britt Meddler. Nov. 6, 2015, at 11:21 a.m. By…

BetteHead Amy Poehler Sings Bette Midler Classic ‘The Rose’ With Jack Black

Billboard Amy Poehler Sings Bette Midler Classic ‘The Rose‘ With Jack Black: Watch By Ashley Iasimone | October 11, 2015…

Bette Midler nearing retirement

XPose Bette Midler nearing retirement 11th Jul 15 | Entertainment News The 69-year-old star – who is currently touring Britain…

Michigan VIP And Sales Dates Are Up: November 19

The Palace of Auburn Hills, Auburn Hills, MI Onsale Dates and Times ”¢NOV”¢19WED VIP Packages Presale  10:00 EST Ends Fri, November 21, 2014 at 17:00…

Oh, Soph! Like Mother Like Daughter

Broadway Oh, Soph! Billy & Ray’s Sophie von Haselberg on Growing Up With Bette, Craving TV & Her Five-Year Plan…

Bette And Martin: Labor Day In Hawaii

Daily Mail Aloha! Bette Midler takes a dip in the Pacific after hitting the beach in a striking blue swimsuit…

Thanks For The Well Wishes!

Thank You All For The Well Wishes! Your well wishes were heart-wrenching....that's why I can never leave! xxoo