Bette Midler Talks About The Rose:

Bette Midler Talks About The Rose: “Aside from their self destructiveness, I don’t know what characteristics of Janis, Hendrix, and…

BetteBack September 1998 – Bathhouse Betty Review (Wikipedia)

Wikipedia September 1998 The title of the album, Bathhouse Betty, refers to Midler‘s early career when she performed her cabaret…

It’s the point of your view that decides what you see.

t’s the point of your view that decides what you see. One man’s flop is another man’s hit. From manners…

On Finding A Worm In Her Sandwich While Being Interviewed (She Flicked It Off):

On Finding A Worm In Her Sandwich While Being Interviewed (She Flicked It Off): “Have you ever seen this happen…