Bette Tweets: Four Forms Of The Word “Cunt”

Four forms of the word "Cunt" have been added to the Oxford English Dictionary – Cunty, Cuntish, Cunted & Cunting.…

Video: 60 Minutes Australia 1990

Mister D: A bright, cheerful interview about the dark, depressing movie that is Stella…which I loved. Great interview! Hope you…

Photos: Billy Crystal’s 700 Sundays Broadway Opening

Mister D: Or as I like to call it…One Long Ass Comedy Monologue! Ba Da Bing!     For More…

Barbra Streisand on Bette Midler’s performance as Sue Mengers

Los Angeles Times Barbra Streisand on Bette Midler‘s performance as Sue Mengers By David Ng December 23, 2013, 11:41 a.m.…