(On how difficult it is to get good movie material) “Two words: Im Possible. Very, very hard. A struggle of life and death. A bore…

(On how difficult it is to get good movie material) “Two words: Im Possible. Very, very hard. A struggle of…

September – Bette Midler (Kiss My Brass 2004)

[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/bootlegbetty/videos/890440341046366/” width=”480″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”1″]

(On what she does with her money) “Not a goddamn thing. I don’t do anything with it. I give a lot of it away. I like charity. I like gardens. And travel…

(On what she does with her money) “Not a goddamn thing. I don’t do anything with it. I give a…

(On being a director) “To tell you the truth, I’m no dummy. Directing is just a bitch. And it’s years out of your life.

(On being a director) “To tell you the truth, I’m no dummy. Directing is just a bitch. And it’s years…

Is Disney’s HeyDay Over?

Showbiz411 “Lone Ranger” Financial Disaster: Will Disney Heads Roll Again? July 7, 2013 “The Lone Ranger” will not even hit…