Flash Photo: Bette on Inside The Actor’s Studio courtesy of Da’vi
Stepford Wives Premiere Pics Coming Up As I Type (Nicola and I are playing while The Tony’s are on):
Inside The Actor’s Studio: Disappointed…but not in Bette. It seemed like a hatchet job trying to fit as much as they could into one hour. I never have liked this show much and I never really thought Bette would do it, so I was pleased she kept her candor and didn’t get into the whole actory thing. I wasn’t at all surprised that she admitted the “Strasberg” classes just went over her head. I thought Lipton was going to explode when she said playing Mary Rose Foster wasn’t hard but fun. Acting seems like play time to her…instinctual
But so much was just rushed through. She deserved 2 hours like Streisand, especially if they devote whole hours to people like J-LO who don’t have even half the body of work Bette has behind her nor half the talent!! 🙂
Anyway, it was great to see Bette…as always refreshing, funny, sentimental, and serious at times…but not one hint of pseudo-intellectualism or pompousness like many of these actors come off….also, I could have done without the WBMW’s ending from the class of 2004….just let Bette talk some more…
Her Favorite Word: Tree
Least Favorite Word: C**T
Favorite Sound: Violins Tuning Up
Least Favorite Sound: Jackhammers and Bus Sounds in the morning..
Music That Makes Her Wanna Dance: Prince…
I’m going to have some audio up this week for people who aren’t able to see this show…