“Beaches” Musical To Debut In D.C.

The Washington Post Betting on next season, Signature plays a full house By Peter Marks, Monday, March 4, 5:28 PM…


SPRING 2013 TREE GIVEAWAYS BEGIN IN March! Thanks to our community partners, tree giveaways will be happening in all five…

Bette Tweets: Mengers, Elton, Pussy, And The Senate

Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler I’m playing Sue Mengers, #HollywoodSuperAgent, who, inviting Elton John to dinner asked, “Is there anything he doesn’t…

Growing Wiser With Diane Keaton

The Scottish Sun Diane Keaton: Don’t get obsessed with men like Woody Allen March 4, 2013 HOLLYWOOD star Diane Keaton…

Audio: When Your Life Was Low By Bette Midler

When Your Life Was Low By Bette Midler Always remember my friend, the world will change again. And you may…

BetteBack March 25, 1978: Why Does Bette Wear Such Awful Clothes?

Altoona Mirror March 25, 1978 FOR BETTE MIDLER, singer-comedienne Q: Why do you wear «uch awful clothe*? – O.N.. Wilmington.…

BetteBack February 4, 1978: Bette Midler ~ The Judy Garland Of The 70’s

Winnipeg Free Press February 4, 1978 Q. – I hope Bette Midler gets her own TV show. She’s the Judy…