European Stars And Stripes
October 17, 1978
Midler outtakes
On America: “Boston’s a great town. L.A. is not so great, one step away from the Black Hole. Detroit is the low – probably the most terrifying city in the whole U.S. We play Detroit once every year and a half, regular as clockwork, but the city – there’s no one there. It’s like a war zone.
“But nothing is as bad as Chicago in the winter. I lived there and I worked there – that’s why I always say, ‘Delores DeLago, the toast of Chicago.’ Ooooh, Chicago. I like New Orleans a lot. I like San Francisco. I like Boston. I don’t think there’s any town I really don’t like, but I must say Chicago gives me a run for my money. Chicago – they’re so mean in Chicago.
“I’ll tell you the truth. I would rather be at home in America than anywhere in the world. If it goes under, I go under, too. I like it, I love nationalism. I love mistakes that countries make, but I love being part of something. You know. It’s nice to belong, but I’m sorry – I’m getting soupy.”
American troops in the audience: “I haven’t seen any servicemen in about – I grew up with service kids, see. I grew up in a service neighborhood with Army brats in Hawaii. I I like it, I enjoy it.”
Politics: “I don’t have any idea I what’s going on in the world. I never read the papers, never listen to the radio. Sometimes I play tapes or watch movies, but I really don’t – I wish I could say something political but I don’t know what to say.”
From a conversation about Eastern Europe: “I sure would like to go there. I’d like to play naked in the East.”
“I don’t think they’d let you. . .”
“I don’t think so either; that’s why I’d like to do it.”
“… but you could probably do it | here.
“I don’t want to do it here. I want to do it where they won’t let you do it. It’s no fun doing it where they let you.

Hi just wanted to know if Bette Midler made a dvd of her live show in the 70`s,
the one where she is dresses as a mermaid, and tells ernie jokes. Any help appreciated , thanks from Belinda. It`s called live at last.
They never made a DVD of the Live at Last show…just VHS. She introduced Delores the mermaid in the movie Divine Madness which is out on DVD