10 “Rotten” Disney Animated Films That Are Great

Despite being rated rotten on Rotten Tomatoes, some underrated animated Disney movies are remarkable. In Rotten Tomatoes jargon, a film…

Got The Summer Doldrums? Watch These 5 Movies

Summer. While the fun in the sun is great, it can be a bore after two months. It’s too hot.…

The Many Faces Of Bette Midler’s Husband, Martin von Haselberg

Bette Midler’s ‘outrageous’ husband Martin von Haselberg – and his many faces: from an anarchic performance artist, to a commodities…

How To Make Bette Midler’s Own Tuna Salad

There is no denying the star power that is Bette Midler. You might love her from movies like The First…