New York Times Ad: Nice Way To Start Out 2008
(Thank You Baltoboy Steve)

Mister D: Richie sent in a regular old wrinkly, newspaper scan where nothing has been touched….do you still feel the same about the picture? Here’s the link to it: Click Here

New York Times, Bette Midler, Vegas

Photo: Greg Gorman

Remember, Baltoboy Steve just became a member of My Space (remember, I gave up). He sure needs some Bettehead friends so he can ask you all how the dang things work. You’ll want to check out his photography work and some of his Bette photo exclusives, too.

Check out his addy:

PS: I’ll put the ad in the Vegas section of the photo gallery with the others. They should come out bigger than this picture.

Love, Mister D

Share A little Divinity

21 thoughts on “New York Times Ad: Nice Way To Start Out 2008
(Thank You Baltoboy Steve)

  1. Oh goodness the ad is great but what is UP with the airbrushing on Bette’s face!!!??? That’s amateur work…if that! It doesn’t even look much like her!

  2. Erica: I haven’t seen the original ad unfortunately, but Steve said a friend gave it to him last night as a surprise, but it was in bad shape….creases and whatnot. He said he did his best to get creases out and scanned it 5 different times, but this was the best he could get….plus it was New Year’s Eve.

    I think my friend Richie is sending me the ad via mail. I’ll have to see what it looks like….

    But yeah, something doesn’t look right…

    Love, Mister D…

  3. hum.
    it looks like her in some ways and in other ways it does not look like her at all.
    i wonder if i can hunt down the real one oline or something.
    its worth a shot.

  4. Speaking as a graphic designer, it almost looks as if they put Bette’s head on someone else’s body, (it just looks disproportionate to me), and did way too much airbrushing. (A little bit of blemish is good! It makes it look more natural.)

    I’m TICKLED that the show’s being advertised, but Bette deserves a bit better!

  5. Dammit!!! I just wanted everyone to be happy!!!! LOL

    Hey Wendy-Poo and Terri!! I already addressed Miss Erica….I have something coming in the mail, so we’ll see. Terri, somehow I visited your site and it was very impressive. I can’t remember how I got there…maybe it was in your last comment before this one.

    Hope you’re doing well. Always good to hear from you even if I don’t always respond. It all depends on me remembering and that is becoming a problem….

    What is it I should take….ginko biloba or something? I really am losing my short term memory…quite aggravating…

    Love, Mister D

  6. All I can say is I am so glad you provide the information you do I get none of this in Australia.
    Keep up the good work, you rock.

  7. Thank you Sharon! You rock, too, my dear. But I have to share your compliment with all the BetteHeads who help me out, too. I like to think of it as a community as much as I can…I would have been dead right now if I didn’t have all of you…

    Love, Mister D

  8. Kinda looks like she’s half asleep. I like the pictures of Bette from her official website… hopefully that’s what they use on the t-shirts for the show.

  9. Hmm…I still think her face looks puffy and she looks half asleep (in the original, wrinkly one) – like she is having an allergic reaction to something! Very bad photo editing!!!! Bah!

  10. I have to agree with Erica or is it Eric???? Something doesn’t look right…it’s either allergies, bad photo editing, or they took the picture in the wee wee hours of the morning. However I loved the overall look…like the outfit and such….were the Repubs in charge of the NYT art dept that day???? 🙂

  11. “Were the Repubs in charge of the NYT art dept that day”


    I have to agree. I love the “old time” feel they gave to the picture. But I think they could have done a much better job in making it look like Bette and not some 30-year younger looking carbon clone copy of Bette. Did they think we would not pay that much attention to it?

  12. oy vey,
    I’m still not sure what to think about the add. In some strange way you’re all right 🙂 But anywayz, DON thanks so much for posting. I also really appreciate what you’re doing, so keep up the excellent work with BLB.

    btw, they’ve deleted my youtube account due to copyright infringment … just to let y’all know *sobs*

  13. Thank you Katrin…you know I love ya….and dammit!!!! about the You Tube thing. It just keeps happening, but then what ever they are deleting just keeps popping back up somewhere else. You had some awesome stuff up there.

    Boo hoo….that means some of my favorites are gone.

    Hope you had a great holiday season and that all is better with you…..

    Love, D

  14. My favorite NYT ad is the one with the huge pink boa. I like this one, but I’m afraid it’ll mislead some people who aren’t really familiar with Bette.

    Katrin, I saw where they “suspended” your account. Is there a chance it’ll come back since it states “suspended”? I loved the videos you had and we were all lucky to see them while we had the chance.

    Hope all is well Mister D!

  15. It’s Erica – I am a woman of course!

    I used to run the Divine Incorporated AOL online fan club back in THE DAY (like 10 years ago)!!! 🙂

  16. Stephen,
    so good to hear from you! How are things going for you?
    Nope, there’s no chance to bring my youtube account back. It’s completly deleted and in fact that my old computer broke most of my videos are gone. Well, I still have all the material on DVD somewhere but I’m too busy to re-upload them. 🙁

  17. Erica:

    I am so sorry. I didn’t even see that part where it says, ERICA SAYS….LOL I started thinking. well, it could be Eric A. C whatever. Well, I’m just glad you’re human…and even better a female…

    Divine, Inc…you ran that? Now I’ll be nervous every time you visit. Write me some time…I’d love to know your experiences running that, how you handled things, pros and cons…

    Anyway, thanks for your input…

    Love, Don

  18. Katrin: I am so sorry to hear about your account and then your computer. I think I would have just died. Glad you had all your stuff backed up.

    If you ever run across it, I’d love to have that special video you made of “Hello In There” with me singing and playing. That just meant a lot to me….

    And keep telling me about new artist’s in music I should know about…you and Crystal are usually right on the money with me….

    Love, Don

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