Elyria Chronicle Telegram
Caroline tops list of ‘worst’ dressed
New York News Writer
January 7, 1976
LOS A N G E L E S – C a r o l i ne Kennedy looks like “a shaggy dog in pants…all of her clothes are quite dreadful for a woman of her weight, her stature, her position.” fashion designer Mr. Blackwell said Tuesdav.
He named C a r o l i ne the “worst dressed woman of 1975” on his 16th a n n u a l list ol w h a t he considers f r u m p y , campy, a w f u l – l o o k i n g ladies – and men.
The 17-year-old daughter old Jacqueline K e n n e dy Onassis a p p a r e n t l y “has inherited mama’s bad taste,” Mr. Blackwell added, p o i n t i n g out t h a t Jackie made his list four years ago when she won the t i t l e of second worst dressed woman of the year.
CAROLINE shared the “honors’ w i t h such celebrities as Nancy Kissinger, who was third-worst dressed and described as “a traveling fashion stew.” Princess A n n e . No.6. “a royal auto mechanic.” and Elton John. No. 10. who would “be the campiest spectacle in the Rose Parade.” according to Mr. Blackwell.
Elton was the only male on the l i s t, but there have been others before, because as Mr. Blackwell put it: “Some of these guys get pretty confused about, who they want to be.”
Discussing Jackie Onassis later. Mr. Blackwell shuddered at her T-shirts and jeans, and said, “she was the only person who could spend $10.000 and put the w r i n k l e d crotch back in fashion ”
SINGER Helen Reddy, who was No 1 in the list released last year, slipped to second place, not because she’s i m p r o v i ng but because Caroline was worse, Mr. Blackwell explained. Miss Reddy. the designer said, “spent the year p r o v i n g I was r i g h t , she should have saved her costumes for the Bicentennial explosion ”
The others on Mr Blackwell‘s list were: Singer Bette Midler. No. 4. dubbed as “Betsy Bloomer … doesn’t she know pantaloons went out with hoop skirts?.”
No 5. TV star Sallv Struthers, “who mav be part of ‘All in the Family’ but certamlv not in the Fashion Family:
Country singers Tammy Wynette and Donna Fargo, tied for seventh place and described as “country magic dressed in a circus tent.”
Actress Tatum O’Neal, “12 going on 40, and Heaven help us when she hits 40:”
And designer Sonia Rykiel, “she put the fanny wrap back in and out of fashion.”
PRINCESS ANNE has been on Mr. Blackwell’s list in other vears and may be heading for l i f e t i me members in the “Worst Dressed Hall of Fame” which now includes Elizabeth Taylor, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Barbra Streisand and Racquel Welsh.
Actually, it was the fashion designers who were at f a u l t last year. Mr Backwell admitted. They were so bad. he confided, that “women shouldn’t be blamed for the atrocities they put on their backs.”
And if it’s any comfort to Caroline Kennedy, her grandmother. Rose Kennedy, is on Mr Blackwell’s list of “fabulous f a s h i on independents. ‘ along with such well-dressed ladies as Princess Caroline of Monaco, Nancv Reagan, Marv Tvler Moore and Diana Ross.