Howdy from Nashville everybody! Well the Holiday Seasons are upon us and time is becoming a rare commodity. So with that…let’s just get to it.
There is new music up in the jukebox…mostly of a holiday nature, so I hope you enjoy.
In the Bootleg Betty Records section I have put in some songs that Bette dropped while on tour or before she started touring. See if you like them or not. It may be a future poll question. Some of you may have actually seen her perform these songs, but by the time tours got around to me they were either dropped or added later.
There are 2 new polls up so check those out. They pertain to her new tour and her TV appearaces this year.
Barry has done a new animation for the Holidays. This one was really hard, so I hope you like…but it has stretched his artistry to a new level, I might add:-)
Bette has just wrapped up rehearsals in Dallas, Texas and is en route to Chicago today where rehearsals will commence once again on the 8th and 9th. And then ya know what happens on the 10th…if not, you ain’t no BetteHead:-)
From what I have been able to piece together with some inside help is that the band consists of 15 players (Miss M makes it 16): 5 horns (3 Royal Crown Revue horn players, a trumpet player, and a trombone player…identities will be forthcoming for people who like to know that stuff like me), 2 guitarists, 2 keyboards (one being Ms. Bette Sussman), drums, percussionist, 3 Harlettes (I know…duh…one being Kamillah Martin straight from Hairspray on Broadway), and one female background singer. All involved are psyched and ready to get on the road and blow us away, so to speak:-)
I know a lot of sites are doing this, but Snook brought it to my attention quite a while back (referencing the old Bettewriter site). I will be making a reviews page, of course, to collect them from each city that Bette hits. However, if you’d like to send in your review of the show or your experiences, I am also going to devote a page to that as well. That way we can all participate in this fun year. You can send me your reviews and I’ll put them up on a fan page that I will need to get ready…LOL You can remain anonymous or whatever,,,,just let me know. I do want to know what city that you see Miss M in, however. So that’s just a thought and if you want to take an active role on this site, now’s your chance.
Remember to check out the extraordinary pics Ms. Barbara Sussman contributed to the Scrapbook for BetteHeads…I’ll be adding more in the coming days.
Don’t forget to participate in Jude’s 5th Annual Happy Birthday BETTE!
Membership Drive & Fundraiser for NYRP – 2003. There is a link at the top of the Bootleg Betty Page.
Also don’t forget about the new message boards that have popped up over at Terri’s wonderful Experience the Divine site and Brian’s Bette Midler Society at And of course, there is Old Faithful: The Official Bette Midler Club on Yahoo. It’s all a matter of preference folk…
And don’t forget to mosey over to We Got Bruce and find out what’s up with Mister V on the road with “Hairspray”. The touring company is knocking them dead (in a good sense) in every town they pull into….don’t miss it.
Those going to see Bette next week…don’t forget to check in. We’re all waiting anxiously!!!
Love, Mister D