Here’s a trailer for Fox‘s new family comedy for the upcoming Holiday season, “Parental Guidance” starring Billy Crystal, Bette Midler, and Marisa Tomei. The film, written and produced by Billy Crystal, begins with a unplanned event where Alice (Marisa Tomei) must reach out to her parents (Crystal and Bette Midler) to help take care of their three grandchildren by using their old school parenting methods that didn’t go so well the first time around.
“Parental Guidance” is set to open nationwide on Christmas Day.
Directed by: Andy Fickman
Starring: Billy Crystal, Bette Midler, Marisa Tomei, Tom Everett Scott, Bailee Madison, Joshua Rush, Kyle Harrison Breitkopf
Release date: December 25, 2012

Parental Guidance On Facebook: Click Here
I CAN’T WAIT!!! She looks absolutely fabulous!!!
I know! It’s exciting! Seems like forever when Christmas will arrive!
This looks FUN!!!
Cute!!!!! I can’t wait!
Me n my partner r getting married in. December this is the best wedding gift sookk excited bette’s still got it n she looks amazing 🙂
Well congrats on the wedding, too! Thanks for writing in! xx
Okay, I’m laughing thru the entire thing. I never thought I’d say this but…I can’t wait for Christmas – 😉
Yeah, I’m with you on this Jamie!
Last comment (for now)…Marisa Tomei is Divine!
Think it looks great,
think there’s a lot of happy Bette fans!!!!
Me too Paul!
This makes a bitter old pill like myself absolutely giddy.
I was just last night discussing how much I hope that Miss Midler takes this new period of her career playing some of those juicy Judi Dench/ Helen Mirren dramatic roles for an actress of “a certain age”. And I’m not a total a**hole, but I’m not usually a fan of the standard American family comedy. However…
I think this is going to be something different! I mean, there are the obligatory scenes at the baseball field, the obligatory bat to the nuts scene, and the obligatory distance between family members, but this film looks like it’s got a lot of layers to it. Add to that the fact that Bette and Billy are kind of a perfect comic match (why hasn’t anybody ever thought of pairing them before?) and it’s golden. The icing on the cake are Bette’s mannerisms and all of the dancing that she does with her eyes and her face, and the realization that she has really gotten polished with her “hamminess”. I mean, how many of you all were totally grinning ear-to-ear when she told off the music instructor? Right?
I LOVED Bette in “Then She Found Me” because I really enjoy watching the evolution of her career as an actress, and now “Parental Guidance” has me wanting even more from her. I can think of about a thousand of this type of movie (many also starring Billy Crystal) in the 90’s that would have done a lot better had they swapped out the forgotten actresses that populated the lead roles with Bette Midler.
Merry Christmas, indeed!
And think of all of the interviews we have to look forward to before Christmas, y’all!!!
Great commentary as always, Gracie. From what I have heard it does have many layers like that of Parenthood. I’m really looking forward to this and hope it brings her many more roles….xx
I have no idea what that means Gracie, but I’m going to think on it! lol
Until We Meet Again! My Lovely Grace!