Bluefield Daily Telegraph
January 1, 1990
NEW YORK (AP) – Bette Midler will produce a film in 1990, s in g e r J o n ! M itchell will finish an album and director Martin Scorsese will act in a movie.
S c o rse se , d ir e c to r of su ch m ovies a s “ Raging B u ll’’ a n d The Last Temptation of C hrist,” told The New York Times he will act in a film by Jap an ese director Akira Kurosawa, “who’s an idol of mine,” he said.
“T he film is a b o u t nine dreams that Kurosawa h as had since he was a child.” Scorsese said.
The Times asked 36 people in the arts what their plans were for the coming year. Their comÂments were published Sunday.
Scorsese said he also plans to finish editing his film ”˜”˜Good Fellas , ” b a s e d on th e b o o k “Wiseguy” by Nicholas Pileggi. The movie, about a young man growing up in the mob, stars Robert De Niro and Ray Liotta.
Midler said she and her partners are producing a film called “For the Boys,” about a USO singer “in love with a man who’s also an entertainer and a bit of an odd duck.”
“He represents the more conservative element, while she repre s e n ts the more liberal element,” Midler said.
She’ll also co-star in a movie with Woody Allen, to be directed by Paul Mazursky. “When you think about Woody Allen and Bette Midler as a married couple, you’ve got to start smiling,” Mazursky said.
Mitchell s a id s h e is a b o u t three-quarters through her new album, describing it as more intimate than her last few records, with the acoustic guitar as the main instrument.
She rose to fame two decades ago with songs with similarly spare arrangements, but her latest album s have had more elaborate orchestrations.
“I’ve even written some middle-aged love songs,” she added.
“I guess that’s inevitable.’’ She’s 48.