1993 – Hocus Pocus – The Calming Circle – Bette Midler

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Bette TV Series – Episode 17 – The Grammy Pre-show – 2000

[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/bootlegbetty/videos/869386453151755/?hc_ref=PAGES_TIMELINE” width=”480″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”1″]

1972 – BETTE MIDLER – Press Conference

[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/bootlegbetty/videos/1069121966511535/?hc_ref=PAGES_TIMELINE” width=”480″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”1″]


BETTE IN SANDYLAND! Bette visited with Sandra Bernhardt on her Sirius show Sandyland on April 14. You can listen to…

BetteBack March 22, 1990: Fashion Guru, Mr. Blackwell’s Catty Remarks About Grammy Gowns

Lethbridge Herald March 22, 1990 Self-proclaimed fashion guru, Mr. Blackwell let loose on the gowns the women were wearing at…

Divine Intervention Meet And Greets: Bette Midler And Judy Bryant

My Bette experience is so amazing. Bette was so cool. Her staff asked my name (and I wish I could…

Fourteen Year Old Micaiah Steele’s Special Concert Shoes

Micaiah Steele When I was born I came out not breathing and the doctors had to pump me for 2…

Divine Intervention: Notes From The Road (Thanks Todd)

Hi Don, I went to Bette (Night 2) last night. As an FYI, she deleted “Be My Baby” from the…