A divine spot to shop: Edina‘s 50th & France; Bette Midler doesn’t need the megamall to find plenty to fill her shopping bags.(NEWS)
Article from:Star Tribune (Minneapolis, MN) Article date:November 18, 1999 Author: Johnson, Cheryl
The Divine Miss M was observed with shopping bags at Edina’s most fashionable intersection Tuesday, just minutes after makeup diva Carroll Britton left work early. “I didn’t feel well. Of course, that would be on the day Bette Midler would park right outside my store!” Britton said. “My receptionist, wonderful dear that she is, called and said, You are never going to believe who’s parked outside. I said, `What do you mean?’ She said, BETTE Midler is getting into a car, with packages.” Are we sure that said receptionist would know Bette? (Sometimes people in Minnesota are celebrity-sighting-impaired.) “Of course, she knows Bette Midler when she sees her,” Britton snapped. “She used to work for the Minnesota Film Board.” Eh, that’s something. “Anyway, I would have loved to have said, `Look at me, just look at me, do you think we look alike?’ and hear Bette say, Oh, you’re the girl who looks just like me.” Millions of drag queens look much more like Bette, but let’s not tell Carroll, who sighed deeply and then remembered the upside: “I’ve got tickets to her concert!” (It’s tonight at the Timberwolves’ arena; everyone should see Bette once, maybe six times – she’s that entertaining.) “Anyway,” Britton continued, “the scoop is, she did not go to the Mall of America. She came to our own 50th and France to shop!” Spoken like an owner of real estate in that area.